
Provide HealthE or Club wipes in your classrooms for teacher and student use. Same antimicrobial formula, different wipe size and material. They are safe for use on skin and on electronic equipment. These wipes are FDA approved antiseptic wipe that will slow/stop the growth of germs on hard surfaces as well as they do on skin. These wipes are not on the EPA List N so they should not be your only line of defense. However, studies have shown that the active ingredient, BK, can inactivate a virus up to 4 hours after application so they make an excellent wipe for classroom use.

  • Alcohol-free Antiseptic Wipe

  • Safe on skin

  • Safe for use on most surfaces, including electronics

  • Active Ingredients: Benzalkonium Chloride

HealthE Wipes:

  • Extra durable wipe

  • 6” x 8” wipes with 1000 wipes per roll, 4 rolls per case

  • Reference# PEWIHE

  • Safety Data Sheet

Club Wipes

  • Economy Wipe

  • 5” x 8” wipes with 1200 wipes per roll, 4 rolls per case

  • Reference# PEWICL

  • Safety Data Sheet